Monday, December 12, 2011


           Yup! The person, who has the ability of ditching someone, also has the ability of killing someone. The habit of being unfaithful is an incurable and psychic disease. Their strongest wish after getting bore from a pure lover is “ROMEO MUST DIE “.  

Many times she tried to change her lie in truth by swearing on her parents and god, God also needs some help in her home to save his prestige.

These people are full of brave heart, courage, dedicated to lie and they can do sacrifice also because they have an appropriate stuff to sacrifice and that is none other than Romeo.
A prostitute takes money and as her duty she gives pleasure to her client comparatively these people take a lot things like your faith, money, love, heart, soul, family, friends and sometimes life also but in return they will give a damm bluff, loneliness as your reward and sometimes a beautiful sms on your cell phone, where her number will flash by an unique and pretty cute name. Perhaps, the sms would be “just commit suicide, don’t call me ever”. Don’t know about others but I got these all texts.
What will happen further in life, nobody knows, I have no idea. May be the life will surprise me with some happiness or some more worst time but about one thing I am pretty sure that I won’t be able to forget those fourteen months which I spent with her. My heart still doesn’t want me to trust that she left me but unlikely I have to accept the truth.
After her, when I wasn’t able to erase her memories, I wanted the answer that why am I fail to do so. I discussed with everyone but no one answered me which could satisfy me. It was so hard to accept than one day a good friend of mine said to me,” You will never be able to forget her because she is the part of your body now”. Yes! It was the perfect answer of my question.
Guys! Romeo must die because he did two unforgivable offenses, trust and love and these offenses happened because of a single mistake that is he chose the wrong person to love.
If the story ends with the death of one Romeo, I am ready to die but this game has no end point. Next day, she will make another guy Romeo, she will win his faith by swearing on her parents and god, then after getting bore she will ditch him and after using and kicking him she will wish again that “ROMEO MUST DIE”.

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